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开源 SLAM 项目汇总

方法 传感器 状态 机构 解析
RTABMap Visual+ 2D/3D Lidar 🔧维护 舍布鲁克大学 论文 代码
ORB-SLAM2 Visual 🚫停止 萨拉戈萨大学 论文 代码
ORB-SLAM3 Visual 🔧维护 萨拉戈萨大学 论文 代码
LSD-SLAM Visual 🚫停止 慕尼黑工业大学 论文 代码
VINS-Fusion Visual 🚫停止 香港大学 论文 代码
Maplab Visual 🚫停止 苏黎世联邦理工学院 论文 代码
Elastic Fusion Visual 🚫停止 伦敦帝国理工学院 论文 代码
OpenVINS Visual 🔧维护 特拉华大学 论文 代码
RGB-D SLAM v2 Visual 🚫停止 慕尼黑工业大学 论文 代码
PTAM Visual 🚫停止 牛津大学 论文 代码
DVO SLAM Visual 🚫 停止 慕尼黑工业大学 论文 代码
CoSLAM Visual 🚫停止 新加坡国立大学 论文 代码
LeGO-LOAM 3D Lidar 🚫 停止 史蒂文斯理工学院 论文 代码
LIO-SAM 3D Lidar 🔧维护 麻省理工学院 论文 代码
LOAM 3D Lidar 🚫停止 卡内基·梅隆大学 论文 代码
Hdl graph slam 3D Lidar 🔧 维护 丰桥工业大学 论文 代码
SegMap 3D Lidar 🔧维护 苏黎世联邦理工学院 论文 代码
BLAM 3D Lidar 🚫停止 加州大学伯克利分校 论文 代码
GMapping 2D Lidar 🚫 停止 弗莱堡大学 论文 代码
Hector SLAM 2D Lidar 🔧维护 达姆施塔特技术大学 论文 代码
Cartographer 2D-3D Lidar 🔧维护 谷歌 论文 代码
Ethzasl icp mapping 2D-3D Lidar 🚫停止 苏黎世联邦理工学院 论文 代码
时间 缩写 论文 代码 Sensor
2014 LOAM LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time https://github.com/laboshinl/loam_velodyne Lidar
2021.07.02 FLOAM F-LOAM: Fast LiDAR Odometry And Mapping https://github.com/wh200720041/floam Lidar
2022.05.11 SC-F-LOAM Optimized SC-F-LOAM: Optimized Fast LiDAR Odometry and Mapping Using Scan Context https://github.com/SlamCabbage/Optimized-SC-F-LOAM Lidar
2019 A-LOAM / https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/A-LOAM Lidar
2018.11.01 LeGO-LOAM LeGO-LOAM: Lightweight and Ground-Optimized Lidar Odometry and Mapping on Variable Terrain https://github.com/RobustFieldAutonomyLab/LeGO-LOAM Lidar
2021.06.03 T-LOAM T-LOAM: Truncated Least Squares LiDAR-Only Odometry and Mapping in Real Time https://github.com/zpw6106/tloam Lidar
2022.01.01 PaGO-LOAM PaGO-LOAM: Robust Ground-Optimized LiDAR Odometry https://github.com/url-kaist/AlterGround-LeGO-LOAM Lidar
2022.05.29 EKF-LOAM EKF-LOAM: An Adaptive Fusion of LiDAR SLAM With Wheel Odometry and Inertial Data for Confined Spaces With Few Geometric Features / Lidar
2022.11.18 BoW3D BoW3D: Bag of Words for Real-Time Loop Closing in 3D LiDAR SLAM https://github.com/YungeCui/BoW3D Lidar
2020.8.22 LINS LINS: A Lidar-Inertial State Estimator for Robust and Efficient Navigation https://github.com/ChaoqinRobotics/LINS---LiDAR-inertial-SLAM Lidar IMU
2021.05.14 FAST-LIO FAST-LIO: A Fast, Robust LiDAR-inertial Odometry Package by Tightly-Coupled Iterated Kalman Filter https://github.com/hku-mars/FAST_LIO Lidar IMU
2021.07.14 FAST-LIO2 FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-inertial Odometry https://github.com/hku-mars/FAST_LIO Lidar IMU
2021.07.14 FAST_LIO_SLAM / https://github.com/gisbi-kim/FAST_LIO_SLAM Lidar IMU
2021.08.20 Super Odometry Super Odometry: IMU-centric LiDAR-Visual-Inertial Estimator for Challenging Environments / Lidar IMU RGB
2019.09.01 LIC-Fusion LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry / Lidar IMU RGB
2020.08.17 LIC-Fusion 2.0 LIC-Fusion 2.0: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry with Sliding-Window Plane-Feature Tracking / Lidar IMU RGB
2021.01.24 R2LIVE R2LIVE: A Robust, Real-time, LiDAR-Inertial-Visual tightly-coupled state Estimator and mapping https://github.com/hku-mars/r2live Lidar IMU RGB
2021.09.10 R3LIVE R3LIVE: A Robust, Real-time, RGB-colored, LiDAR-Inertial-Visual tightly-coupled state Estimation and mapping package https://github.com/hku-mars/r3live Lidar IMU RGB
2022.04.02 FAST-LIVO FAST-LIVO: Fast and Tightly-coupled Sparse-Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry https://github.com/hku-mars/FAST-LIVO Lidar IMU RGB
2021.09.27 Lvio-Fusion Lvio-Fusion: A Self-adaptive Multi-sensor Fusion SLAM Framework Using Actor-critic Method https://github.com/jypjypjypjyp/lvio_fusion stereo , Lidar, IMU, and GPS
2021.05.22 LVI-SAM LVI-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar-Visual-Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping https://github.com/TixiaoShan/LVI-SAM Lidar IMU RGB
2020.07.14 LIO-SAM LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping https://github.com/TixiaoShan/LIO-SAM Lidar IMU
2021.10.27 LVIO-SAM LVIO-SAM: A Multi-sensor Fusion Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping https://github.com/TurtleZhong/LVIO-SAM Lidar IMU stereo
2020.01.28 / Stereo Visual Inertial LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Lidar IMU stereo
2022.01.06 DSP-SLAM DSP-SLAM: Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors https://github.com/JingwenWang95/DSP-SLAM monocular, stereo, or stereo+LiDAR
2023.01.03 maplab 2.0 maplab 2.0 – A Modular and Multi-Modal Mapping Framework https://github.com/ethz-asl/maplab
